The coconut water powdered use in the swine semen freezing process: III. Evaluation of the ACP-103® extender in resuspension


  • TONIOLLI R Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE)
  • TONIOLLI G.H Faculdade de ciências agrárias e veterinárias da Universidade Estadual Paulista
  • FRANCESCHINE P.H Faculdade de ciências agrárias e veterinárias da Universidade Estadual Paulista
  • MORATO F.M.A.C Faculdade de ciências agrárias e veterinárias da Universidade Estadual Paulista


extender, coconut water, semen, swine, freezing


The semen of eight male swine was collected by the glove-hand technique. A total of 10.2 x109 sptz was collected and distributed among the treatments. The semen quality was evaluated by means of concentration (x106 sptz/mL), volume (mL), total of spermatozoa (x109 sptz), spermatic strength (0 to 5), motility (%) and morphology (%) and membrane integrity of the spermatozoa (%). The semen was diluted in Beltsville Thawing Solution (BTS) or in coconut water (ACP), in dilution of 1:1. Randomized block design was used and the Mann-Whitney test was performed in the Lineal General Models of Statistical Analysis System Program (SAS 6.03). A 5% significance level was adopted. The coconut water extender provided the maintenance of a larger number of spermatozoids with intact acrosome and could be recommended for routine use in reproduction laboratories. However, the modifications proposed in the present study did not present as good results as use of the ACP did in comparison with the BTS solution.


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How to Cite

R, T.; G.H, T.; P.H, F.; F.M.A.C, M. The coconut water powdered use in the swine semen freezing process: III. Evaluation of the ACP-103® extender in resuspension. Ciência Animal, [S. l.], v. 26, n. 2, p. 81–96, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.



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