Effects of guanidinoacetic acid supplementation on the diet of broilers



Additives, Poultry farming, Food conversion, Costs, Animal nutrition


With the accelerated development of poultry farming, in terms of productivity, and due to its high production cost, there was a need to implement additives in poultry feeds in order to obtain better performances. The experiment was carried out with birds of the Ross lineage, divided into four different types of treatments: Control diet (CD); CD + 0.6 AGA (guanidinoacetic acid); CD + 30kcal reduction + 0.6 of AGA, and CD + 50kcal reduction + 0.6 of AGA. The following parameters were evaluated: feed intake, daily weight gain, total weight gain, feed conversion, mortality, chicken viability, and production costs. Regarding the daily weight gain, the DC + 30kcal reduction + 0.6 AGA group had greater daily weight gain, reflecting the higher food consumption. For feed conversion, it was observed that the chickens submitted to a diet with CD + 0.6 of AGA presented better performance. For mortality, the CD and CD + 0.6 AGA groups obtained 1.25%, while the groups CD + 30kcal reduction + 0.6 AGA and CD group + 50kcal reduction + 0.6 AGA had 2.81% and 2.19%, respectively. It is concluded that the inclusion of guanidinoacetic acid in chickens’ diet with calorie reduction of some energy ingredients in the feed, showed better productive results, such as increased feed intake and weight gain, better feed conversion and greater reductions in cost.


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