Core biopsy for preoperative diagnose of epithelial cutaneous nodules in dogs



Cutting needle, Dog, Epithelium, Neoplasms


Skin tumors are the most common neoplasms in dogs and there are several classifications of them. This study aimed to evaluate the accuracy of cut needle Super Core II® (14-ga x 9cm) in the histopathologic diagnosis of cutaneous nodules of epithelial origin in dogs when compared with the histopathologic findings of surgical specimens analyzed. A total of 32 skin nodes were histologically analyzed. The biopsy specimens and skin nodules were classified according to the World Health Organization (WHO) and there were 71,87% of nodes identified as neoplasms. To diagnose neoplasms, the core biopsy showed 85.2% sensitivity, 100% specificity, a positive predictive value of 100%, and a negative predictive value of 55.55%. The Fisher exact test showed p<0.0001 for the identification of neoplasms and malignant tumors, which confirms the concordance between the results obtained by both methods in the classification of tumors. Therefore, the biopsy is an effective method for the classification of cutaneous tumors of epithelial origin.


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How to Cite

JOPPERT, C. E. L.; SOUZA, K. R. T. de; PLIEGO, C. . M.; LEITE, J. da S.; FERREIRA, A. M. R.; FERREIRA, M. de L. G. Core biopsy for preoperative diagnose of epithelial cutaneous nodules in dogs. Ciência Animal, [S. l.], v. 33, n. 4, p. 60 a 66, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 oct. 2024.



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