Ophidian accident in a dog: hematological, biochemical, hemogasometric, electrolytic, and urinary findings


  • Clédson Calixto de Oliveira Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG)
  • Daniele Frutuoso Leal da Costa Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG)
  • Laura Honório de Oliveira Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG)
  • Aline Vieira de Melo Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG)
  • Jessica Azevedo Costeira Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG)
  • Antonio Fernando de Melo Vaz Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG)


Crotalic accident, muscle injury


A 13 year old female dog with a history of being bitten by Crotalus snake was attended at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Campina Grande - Patos – PB approximately 24 hours after being bitten. Hematological, biochemical, electrolytic, hemogasometric and urinary parameters were evaluated in the animal. No significant changes were observed in hematological analysis, only mild leukocytosis and decreased platelets. In the biochemical analysis a severe increase of AST, CK and LDH enzymes was observed, indicating severe muscle damage. The electrolytes K+ and Na+ were normal, while Ca+ and Cl- increased. Metabolic acidosis was observed in the hemogasometric analysis. Most of the parameters evaluated in urinalysis were altered. The ophidian accident in the case in question had a relevant ability to change the parameters evaluated.


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, C. C. de; COSTA, D. F. L. da; OLIVEIRA, L. H. de; MELO, A. V. de; COSTEIRA, J. A.; MELO VAZ, A. F. de. Ophidian accident in a dog: hematological, biochemical, hemogasometric, electrolytic, and urinary findings. Ciência Animal, [S. l.], v. 27, n. 2, p. 99–102, 2023. Disponível em: https://revistas.uece.br/index.php/cienciaanimal/article/view/11965. Acesso em: 28 dec. 2024.



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