Bilateral nephrolithiasis associated with uremic encephalopathy in dogs
kidneys, urolithiasis, uremic syndromeAbstract
Urolithiasis is the formation of stones in the urinary system. Depending on its location may lead to a set of systemic changes, called uremic syndrome. At PATHOVET in Fortaleza, a dog named Mel, of the breed Poodle, 13 years, castrated and cardiopathic was attended. The owner reported that the animal had about 9 months had photos of polyuria, polydipsia and syncope. Blood count, creatinine and urea, abdominal ultrasonography and urinalysis were requested. The results of the tests showed the presence of bilateral nephrolithiasis and uremia that justified the onset of uremic syndrome. In view of the above, it is possible to perceive the importance of early diagnosis and adequate therapy in cases of kidney problems.
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