Digital melanoma in a dog
Cutaneous neoplasm, digit, dogsAbstract
We described a case of melanoma located in the right phalanx in a dog. A defined bitch, 11 years old, was referred to the Medical Clinic of the UFCG Veterinary Hospital with a history of increased volume at the distal end of the right thoracic limb. After the clinical evaluation and surgical correction, the material was sent to the Laboratory of Animal Pathology (LPA), Veterinary Hospital (HV), Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG) – PB. Macroscopically, the mass was nodular, skin-coated, measuring 10 x 7.0 x 6.5 cm and ulcerated central area 5 cm in diameter. When cutting, it exhibited a blackish, multilobular and firm surface. Microscopically, a thickly cellular, infiltrative and non-encapsulated tumor mass was observed in the epidermis. This paper reports a case of digital melanoma, diagnosed by histopathological examination
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