Animal well-being applied to the medical clinic of domestic dogs and cats



Animal behavior, Animal ethics, Friendly management, Pets


The human-animal relationship dates back thousands of years with the process of canine and feline domestication, featuring a close and intense interspecies bond. Dogs and cats are the most popular and preferred pets of the majority of the population. The Brazil has approximately 47.9 million households with at least a dog or cat. The animal welfare is defined as the physical, psychological, social and environmental well-being of animals. Therefore, a hospital environment focused on the well-being of dogs and cats allows an improvement in the human-animal bond that is built daily between the clinician, the guardian and the animal. A veterinary service based on friendly management promotes a positive perception of clinical care. Thus, the present work had as main objective to encourage the adoption of animal welfare practices in the medical clinic of domestic dogs and cats in order to alleviate any stressor and provide a more welcoming environment. This work was a literature review in which clinical studies available in the academic literature were gathered. The selection of articles was carried out without restriction of year and language due to the limitation of works related to the subject in dogs and cats. It is concluded that the implementation of a friendly handling brings benefits to dogs and cats, tutors and veterinarians, being an alternative to professionals for the adoption of welfare practices; To do this, it is necessary to train the team to identify low levels of well-being in each sector of the clinic.


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, C. F. de; NOTOMI, M. K. Animal well-being applied to the medical clinic of domestic dogs and cats. Ciência Animal, [S. l.], v. 33, n. 3, p. 98 a 113, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.