Maturation, capacitation, acrosome reaction and sperm movement



Sperm capacitation, Sperm, Sperm movement


Spermatozoa are formed through the process of spermatogenesis, which involves events of cell differentiation, mitosis, and meiosis. However, after their formation, it is still necessary for these spermatozoa to undergo some maturation processes in order to reach their fertilizing capacity, maturation and sperm capacitation. Sperm maturation occurs during sperm transit through the epididymis and involves important morphological and physiological changes in the sperm, involving sequential changes in the biochemical composition of the sperm cell. On the other hand, sperm capacitation occurs after ejaculation, starting in the isthmus of the fallopian tube, and a period of permanence in the female reproductive tract is essential for them to become capable of fertilization, undergoing severe biochemical and physiological changes. Furthermore, after sperm capacitation, the event called the acrosome reaction occurs, allowing sperm to cross the zona pellucida and fuse with the oocyte plasma membrane. In addition, a determining factor for fertilization to occur is sperm movement, since its amplitude through the sperm tail promotes propulsion and the ability to move it to the oocyte. The evaluation and study of all these mechanisms are essential to determine the reproductive efficiency of different species.


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How to Cite

FERREIRA, L. D.; SILVA, A. T. dos S. da; PINHERO, E. de C.; LIMA, G. R. F.; TONIOLLI , R. Maturation, capacitation, acrosome reaction and sperm movement. Ciência Animal, [S. l.], v. 33, n. 3, p. 82 a 97, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.