Addition of Trolox into skimmed milk powder extender during the boar semen storage at 10 °C
boar semen, skimmed milk powder, trolox, antioxidantAbstract
Antioxidants are able to protect cells from oxidative stress and may be used in refrigeration extenders to increase the sperm viability. The present study aimed to determine the effects of adding different concentrations of trolox on boar spermatozoa diluted and stored in skimmed milk powder (LPD) at 10 °C. In 63 ejaculates were used and subjected to four treatments: T1 = LPD (control); T2 = LPD+25.000µg of trolox/100mL; T3 = LPD+50.000µg of trolox/100mL; and T4 = LPD+75.000µg of trolox/100mL. Analyzes of vigor and sperm motility were performed daily (D0 to D4). At D0 and D4 hiposmotic, sperm vitality and acrosomal integrity tests were performed. The mean vigour and motility of T1 were higher compared to the other treatments, although not different from T2 and T3 (D0 to D2). The T4 had the worst average vigour and motility, not differing from T3. The percentages of live sperm and integrity of plasma and acrosomal membranes were not different between treatments, both D0 and in D4. The addition of the trolox in LPD diluent did not promote beneficial effects on the preservation of semen. High concentrations of trolox impaired sperm quality, not being an applicable option in the preparation of insemination doses. The absence of positive effects suggests a possible interference of LPD on the antioxidant activity of trolox. Further studies are necessary to demonstrate the antioxidant activity of trolox, as well its possible interaction with the semen extender.
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