Intestinal Obstruction by Foreign Bodies in Two Individuals Chelonoidis carbonaria


  • João Lucas Medeiros ANGELO Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE)
  • Renan Carlos de Souza LIMA Centro Universitário Fametro (UNIFAMETRO)
  • Julyanne Vasconcelos LIMA Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE)
  • Renata de Souza GOMES Clínica Veterinária Geração Silvestre
  • Estéfanni de Castro PINHEIRO Clínica Veterinária Geração Silvestre
  • Giulia Costa Oliveira de Medeiros SANTANA Clínica Veterinária Geração Silvestre
  • Yanna Deysi Bandeira PASSOS Serviço de Anestesia (SEAVET)


Surgery, Unconventional pets, Turtles


Intestinal obstruction in tortoises is very recurrent in the clinic due to the ingestion of foreign bodies. Here, two of these cases are reported in individuals of the species Chelonoidis carbonaria, taken to the clinic with anorexia and intestinal constipation with absence of defecation. The cases were diagnosed after additional tests were carried out, such as radiography, which enabled the definitive diagnosis, as it made it possible to visualize the amorphous content in the gastrointestinal tract of both individuals. The animals underwent emergency celiotomies, opening an access window in the plastron, making it possible to access the cavity for removal of foreign bodies. The postoperative period was different in each case, due to specific complications, such as a possible anemic and/or infectious condition in the postoperative period in one of the animals. It is concluded that enterotomy with removal of foreign bodies is effective in treating severe cases of obstruction, and that rearing reptiles such as pets requires specialized veterinary care to provide adequate management and facilities to avoid the ingestion of foreign bodies by the animals.


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How to Cite

ANGELO, J. L. M.; LIMA, R. C. de S.; LIMA, J. V.; GOMES, R. de S.; PINHEIRO, E. de C.; SANTANA, G. C. O. de M.; PASSOS, Y. D. B. Intestinal Obstruction by Foreign Bodies in Two Individuals Chelonoidis carbonaria. Ciência Animal, [S. l.], v. 32, n. 4, p. 30–33, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 jul. 2024.



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