Cystotomy in the treatment of canine urolithiasis
Urolith, bladder stones, cystotomy, dogAbstract
Urolithiasis has great relevance among conditions affecting the urinary tract of dogs. Uroliths are most commonly found in the bladder and urethra. The most common clinical signs are dysuria, strangury and polaquiuria. Urolithiasis is diagnosed through the association between anamnesis, clinical examination, clinical signs, imaging, hematology, and urinalysis. Treatment may be conservative or surgical. The cystotomy comprises the most performed surgical technique in cases of urolithiasis. This work aims to report a cystotomy for removal of bladder stones in a 2 year old Chow Chow dog, attended at a veterinary clinic in Fortaleza. The surgical procedure was uneventful, with the total removal of existing urinary stones. The animal recovered well and continues without report of urinary obstructions until the present moment of the elaboration of this work.
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