Multicenter lymphoma in dogs, a clinical and laboratory approach: a case report
Lymphoid neoplasm, dog, citology diagnosticAbstract
Lymphoma is a form of presentation of the lymphoproliferative disorder which the tumor originates from a solid hematopoietic organ such as the lymph node. It is considered one of the neoplasia of higher incidence in dogs and cats. This paper aims to present a case report on a multicenter lymphoma with a clinical and laboratory approach. A dog without defined breed, at the Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Estadual do CEARÁ (UHV-UECE) presenting hematuria and a discrete lymphadenomegaly on physical examination. Complete blood counts (HC), serum biochemical analyzes, urine summary and ultrasound examination were requested. Changes in the hemogram were normocyclic normocitic anemia and thrombocytopenia. Biochemical analysis revealed an increase in asparate amino transferase (AST). The urine summary (SU) showed changes in physical characteristics and sedimentation. Ultrasound examination (US) showed changes in the bladder, prostate, testis echogenicity and the spleen’s size. There was worsening of the animal's size over time with progression of weight loss and evident enlargement of the lymph nodes. A cytology was performed through a lymph node aspirate which had a lymphoma compatible cell configuration and neoplastic cells were also found in the hemogram peripheral blood smear. The animal died with deterioration of the clinical picture.
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