Selection procedure in embryo transfer program in cattle at northeastern Brazil
Embryo transfer, bovine gynecology, recipient, animal reproductionAbstract
Recipent selection comprises an important step for embryo transfer (ET) programs, affecting significantly the economic results of that biotechnology. Considering the challenges for obtaining recipient cows in a number big enough to attend the demand of an ET program, this research was carried out with the aim of to expand criteria of recipient pre-selection, in order to increase the number of females disposable for estrum cycle synchronization. Then, 1017 cows of different breeds (Girolando, Gir Leiteiro and Nelore) from farms located in Brazilian Northeast, where evaluated by gynecological exams since preliminary phases of selection up to calving birth, divided into experimental groups represented by females presenting mature follicles or corpus luteal at pre-selection. Results obtained have shown similar final yields for the two experimental groups, revealing that both ovarian structures should be used as criteria for including matrices in ET programs. In addition, embryos in stage of blastocyst (Initial, completely characterized or expanded) must be preferred for ET.
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