Hematological, biochemical, cytological and necroscopic findings in domestic catswith leishmaniasis
Laboratory diagnosis, Cats, Leishmaniasis spp.Abstract
Visceral leishmaniasis is a zoonosis caused by the protozoan genus Leishmania spp. It is commonly reported in dogs. However, currently, the number of infected cats has grown currently, being important to study how this disease behaves in these hosts. Clinical evaluation and laboratory tests are essential for the definitive diagnosis of leishmaniasis in felines. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate the hematological and cytological alterations in domestic cats with Leishmaniasis. in Two cats from the city of Fortaleza/CE were evaluated with hematological, biochemical, cytological, and necroscopic exams. The main hemogram findings were normochromic nomocytic anemia, erythrocyte rouleaux, platelet aggregates, and, in one of the cases, visualization of the amastigote form. In the biochemical analysis, hypoalbunemia was observed in one case and, in the other case, an increase in serum levels of urea and creatinine was noticed. Hyperproteinemia was observed in both cases. Cytology was used ante-mortem for the diagnosis of one of the cases and post-mortem for both cases to identify amastigote forms in the liver and other lymphoid organs such as lymph nodes, spleen, and bone marrow. Therefore, for cats with nonspecific signs, it is necessary to carry out complementary tests such as blood count, serum biochemistry, cytology of the lesions, and necroscopic examination to obtain a definitive diagnosis.
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