Properties and applicability of the omentum in veterinary surgery


  • Dimas Gabriel MOTTA Programa de Residência em Clínica Cirúrgica de Pequenos Animais (ULBRA)
  • Virgínia Bocorny LUNARDI Preceptora do Programa de Residência em Clínica Cirúrgica de Pequenos Animais (ULBRA)


Omentum, Pedicle flap, Graft, Wounds, Veterinary surgery


The greater omentum is a structure, classified as an organ by some authors, which has numerous unique characteristics and biological properties. Among them are the known angiogenic and hemostatic capacity, the aid in cicatrization, tissue regeneration, lymphatic drainage, and the protection and defense against infection. In addition, the omentum also improves the supply of energy and oxygen, defense cells, and acts as a reservoir of stem cells. All these characteristics transform the omentum into a structure capable of several surgical uses and, many times, underused in veterinary surgery. This work aims to perform a literature review addressing the properties of the omentum and its surgical applicability in different pathologies. This review discusses omentopexy in intraperitoneal surgeries, the omentalization of cysts, and its performance and importance in preventing adhesions and counteracting hemorrhages. Additionally, the possibilities of using the omentum as a pedicled flap and free graft for inclusion in the recipient bed of grafts and skin flaps were addressed, as well as the use of omentum in wounds treatment, reviewing different results in from the analyzed works.


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How to Cite

MOTTA, D. G.; LUNARDI, V. B. Properties and applicability of the omentum in veterinary surgery. Ciência Animal, [S. l.], v. 33, n. 2, p. 102 a 117, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 jul. 2024.