Characterization of the main factors related to horses’welfare in three barrel race
Equine, Sports competition, HandingAbstract
The evaluation and improvement of animals’ conditions in equestrian competitions are increasingly becoming a factor of interest to all people involved in these events. There is a need to develop a practical tool for assessing the welfare of horses in barrel race events. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the main aspects related to horses’ welfare in three-barrel races performed in the Southeast of Pará State. Data collection was conducted in on competitions during november 2019 and february 2020 in the municipality of Redenção, Pará State, Brazil. The evaluation of animal welfare indicators was carried out in nine horses, based on measures related to feeding, environment, health, and behavior of animals. The results indicate that there is a need for greater awareness of people involved in carrying out these tests in relation to horses’ welfare, especially concerning measures based on health. Further studies are needed to identify additional parameters that can be applied, specifically, to assess the welfare of horses in three barrel races.
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