Critical points in health control of sushi production


  • Camila de Albuquerque Almeida DE QUEIROZ Agência de Fiscalização de Fortaleza
  • Marianna Colares ALBUQUERQUE Agência de Fiscalização de Fortaleza
  • Katariny Michelle de Araujo PINHEIRO Agência de Fiscalização de Fortaleza
  • Danyelle dos Santos COSSOLOSSO Agência de Fiscalização de Fortaleza
  • Fransérgio Américo Ribeiro ALVES Agência de Fiscalização de Fortaleza
  • Marcondes Chaves GOMES Prefeitura Municipal de Fortaleza – Célula de Vigilância Sanitária


Food safety, sanitary inspection, sushi


The consumption of sushi and sashimi has become increasingly common, reaching the most varied social classes and being done even in non-specialized establishments, such as supermarkets and bakery stores. Considering it is a food composed of certain materials served in its raw or undercooked form, it is eminent to make an analysis of the risks involved in their production flow. In addition, the scarce literature and the lack of specific law in Brazil hinder the work of the health authorities. This paper discussed the control critical points of sushi production, the way brazilian legislation is currently applied to its quality control and which are the risks that still need to be addressed in a specific norm. This study contributed to the elaboration of a draft of law to inspect sushi production, submitted to the Health Surveillance Authority of Fortaleza City.


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How to Cite

DE QUEIROZ, C. de A. A.; ALBUQUERQUE, M. C.; PINHEIRO, K. M. de A.; COSSOLOSSO, D. dos S.; ALVES, F. A. R.; GOMES, M. C. Critical points in health control of sushi production. Ciência Animal, [S. l.], v. 29, n. 1, p. 1–14, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 jul. 2024.



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