The use of infrared thermography in equine assessment: systematic Review
Evaluation, thermography, horsesAbstract
Infrared thermography is a non-invasive, painless, non-contrast and diagnostic method that analyzes the cutaneous temperature distribution by means of thermal sensors positioned close to the examined, expressing by means of a pictorial representation the surface temperature distribution of a body. The objective of this study is to analyze, through the literature, the use of thermography in equine evaluation. This is a systematic review of the literature, carried out from December 2017 to February 2018 in diferents databases. 10796 articles were found and after application of the methodological criteria 5 were left to be integrally evaluated. It was verified in the research that the use of thermography technology through infrared radiation is an effective resource in several aspects within an evaluation in horses, such as identification of lesions, fear or pain present in horses.
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