Prevalence of Dermatobia hominis in bovine slaughtered in the municipality of Anchieta, Espírito Santo State
frequency, slaughterhous, parasitism, Demartobia hominis, cattleAbstract
The dermatobiosis is a parasitic disease of mammals and terrestrial birds caused by the larvae of Dermatobia hominis (Berne) resulting in serious damage to cattle livestock, especially involving the leather productivity of meat and milk. The objective of this work was to verify the presence of D. hominis in cattle slaughtered in two slaughterhouses in the city of Anchieta, Espírito Santo. For this purpose, meteorological information was obtained, and made weekly visits between July and October 2007 these refrigerators in which collected the data from the D. hominis in nodule count of 665 cattle leathers. These data were analyzed by frequency of nodules of D. hominis considering the portion of the parasitized body. The results showed that 55.49% of the animals had larvae of D. hominis, a variation of 55,49±6,12%. The left antimer was the most affected part of the body and the cranio-dorsal region with the highest incidence of larvae. It can be concluded that pluviometric indexes and temperature were determinant in the frequency of nodules of D. hominis bovine leather.
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