Hepatic encephalopathy in Amazonas aestiva
Jaguar, necropsy, mammary tumor, metastasisAbstract
With the increasing longevity of captive animals, chronic or senility-related diseases, as neoplasias, are even more often. The objective is to report the mainly anatomic and pathologic findings in jaguar (Pantera onca) with presumptive diagnostic of mammary carcinoma. The animal was taken to Ceará State University (UECE), were the necropsy proceeds. There was presence of two neoplasm tumor masses of large dimensions, one in the left mammary chain and the other one adhered to the rectus abdominis muscle, besides metastasis in inguinal lymph nodes, lungs, left ovary and adrenal, omentum and around the abdominal aorta, whose findings agree with what the literature says. With there being said, we can conclude that it was a high malignancy neoplasia, whose the large dimensions compromised the vascularization of the affected organs. Therefore, understanding the etiopathogeny of neoplasias is important to improve the prognostics and therapeutic conducts, and increase the quality of life in the affected animals.
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