Physiological parameters of Geoffroy’stoadhead turtle, under the effect of propofol by intracelomatic route
Chelonians, propofol, physiological parametersAbstract
For correct chemical containment, there is a need for an adequate anesthetic protocol for each species. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of the water regime on the effects of propofol in Phrynops geoffroanus. Ten animals were used, which were anesthetized with propofol 1%, at a dose of 35 mg/kg, by the intracellular route. All animals were anesthetized on two occasions, with a minimum interval of 15 days between anesthetics, randomly composing two experimental groups, Group 1, in which the animals were submitted to 12 hours of water regime, while in Group 2 they remained within water until the moment of anesthetic induction. Heart rate, systolic blood pressure, temperature, respiratory rate and oxyhemoglobin saturation were measured. There was a significant difference between groups only regarding heart rate. It was concluded that the 12 hour water regime did not influence the physiological parameters of the animals.
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