Evaluation of the conjunctival swab for the diagnosis of distemper in crab-eating foxes
Morbilivirus, wild canid, common zorroAbstract
Canine distemper has been affecting wildlife and exotic animals at risk of extinction. Before the invasion of the urban environment into the forests increases the risk of contamination of wildlife with urban pathogens. The present work aims to report the case of two crab-eating foxes (Cerdocyon thous) suspected of distemper in the Municipal Zoo Sargento Prata. Hemograms and conjunctival swab analysis of both animals were performed. Only one of the slides of the two animals showed cells containing Lentz corpuscle. The main hematological findings were thrombocytopenia and intense leukopenia. At miscrocopy, viral inclusions of Lentz were visualized in the neutrophil cytoplasm. Together with the clinical and hematological signs, the conjunctival swab presents as a good option for the diagnosis of distemper in dogs and other species of wild animals.
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