Anatomopathological findings in snake Boa constrictor victim of run over
Snake, trampling, necropsyAbstract
Automobile accidents in wild animals are becoming more common. This is due to the appearance of these animals in urban areas as a consequence of the loss of their natural habitat, which is influenced by human, such as deforestation and the economic use of these areas. The present report describes the case of a jiboia (Boa constrictor) victim of trampling and his anatomopathological findings resulting from the accident. At the necropsy a laceration in the skin of approximately 6 cm in length was observed in the lateral region. In addition, there was evisceration of segment of intestinal loops. In the subcutaneous and in the musculature multifocal areas of hemorrhage were evidenced, and the ribs were fractured. The importance of the preservation of these species is emphasized through measures that minimize the chances of human-induced accidents, which affect the decline of biodiversity.
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