Canine scabies with transitory transmission for human


  • Lucianne dos Santos SILVA Centro Universitario (UNINTA)
  • Vivianne Maria Mororó CORRÊA Centro Universitario (UNINTA)
  • Djana Batista CAVALCANTE Centro Universitario (UNINTA)
  • Robério Ferreira FIUZA MEDVET – Multiclínica Veterinária
  • Vivian Aguiar VIANA MEDVET – Multiclínica Veterinária
  • Erika Rafaelle Araújo COSTA MEDVET – Multiclínica Veterinária


Zoonotic, alopecia, scabiosis


Canine scabiosis is a dermatopathy caused by a sarcoptes scabiei mite, of a zoonotic nature, which presents with intense itching and alopecia. Treatment is mandatory for both the animal and the human. It usually affects pups and they live in agglomerations such as kennels, street animals, and petshop. It is therefore essential to care for the health of a new animal and the periodicity of such care, and the hygiene of the environment and objects such as containers, beds, clothes, covers, toys to avoid re-infestation of the animal, and people in touch.


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How to Cite

SILVA, L. dos S.; CORRÊA, V. M. M.; CAVALCANTE, D. . B.; FIUZA, R. F.; VIANA, V. A.; COSTA, E. R. A. Canine scabies with transitory transmission for human. Ciência Animal, [S. l.], v. 28, n. 4, p. 68–70, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 jul. 2024.



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