Symptomatic blackleg in bovine: clinical and therapeutic evolution



Clostridial disease, Crackling, Edema, Lameness, Treatment


Clostridial diseases are common infections in cattle herds, caused by microorganisms of the genus Clostridium that mainly affect younger animals. This study aims to report the clinical evolution and treatment of a bovine affected with symptomatic blackleg. The patient had no vaccination history for clostridial disease and belonged to a group of animals in which three sudden deaths had already occurred in a short time. In the physical evaluation of the animal in sternal recumbency, typical clinical signs of blackleg, edema and crackling in the pelvic limb and scapular region and lameness when placed in the station were determined. Edema was also observed in the head region, but this clinical sign is not frequently reported in the scientific literature. Even with an unfavorable prognosis due to the severe manifestation of the disease and a large part of the studies showing a lethality rate of almost 100%, it was decided to try to carry out the necessary therapeutic methods. Support treatment and drug administration were performed, especially antibiotic therapy with penicillin. In addition, a surgical procedure was carried out by making incisions in the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the affected limb (a method not yet described in the scientific literature) to reduce the proliferation of Clostridium. After thirty-two days of treatment, the animal got a complete clinical cure. Therapeutic measures were sufficient to recover the patient's health.


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How to Cite

NASCIMENTO NETO, J. da P.; CARVALHO, A. L. M. A.; RODRIGUES, L. H. A.; SANT’ANA, A. C. C. de; CHALFUN, L. H. L. Symptomatic blackleg in bovine: clinical and therapeutic evolution. Ciência Animal, [S. l.], v. 33, n. 1, p. 175–186, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.