Trauma resulting from a fall caused by the extension cable of a tropical calf



Tropical calf, Extender wire, Management, Trauma


Calf rearing is one of the most important stages in dairy cattle and, prophylactic management in physical accommodation environments is crucial to avoid accidents that could compromise the productive life of these animals in the future. The tropical calf is one of the most common housings used in the Brazilian Northeast in large creations, possibly due to the low cost. This study aimed to report an accident caused by tripping over surface extender wire of the tropical calf, which caused a tibial trauma in a 2-months-old Girolando heifer. The attendance took place at the Veterinary Hospital for Large Animals of the Inta University Center (Uninta) in Sobral/Ce and the animal came from a high-production dairy farm in the city of Umirim/Ce. The clinical examination revealed that the affected region was close to the knuckle. The radiographic examination showed a fracture in the epiphyseal region of the proximal tibia. After evaluation by the clinical and surgical team, the patient was referred for corrective surgery, but before that, immobilization and bandages were established to keep the affected limb immobile until the surgical procedure was performed. The post-surgical medical treatment was conducted, in addition to the daily care of cleaning the surgical wound with local antiseptic. After the surgery, to correct the fracture with the patient stabilized, the hospital discharge occurred 17 days after hospitalization. Thus, the tropical calf, is undergoing structural and management changes to avoid further trauma caused by stumbling, tangling, and falling.


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How to Cite

COURA, A. G.; PINHEIRO, C. A.; VIEIRA, A. R. S.; OLIVEIRA, K. A. P. de; BOA VENTURA, P. de V.; NEVES, M. R. M. das; FIGUEIRÊDO, E. L. de. Trauma resulting from a fall caused by the extension cable of a tropical calf. Ciência Animal, [S. l.], v. 33, n. 1, p. 167–174, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.