Study of the occurrence of otopathies in domestic felines in the municipality of Fortaleza/Ce



Otitis, Cats, Malassezia spp, Otodectes cynotis, Zoonosis


It is estimated that external otitis accounts for 2 to 10% of attendances at to the feline clinics, corresponding to a clinically challenging condition in this species. This work aims to carry out a retrospective survey of the occurrence of otopathies in cats in the city of Fortaleza/Ce in a period of 3 years, contributing to the establishment of the epidemiological profile of the region. The study was carried out through the co-participation of veterinarians, dermatologists and feline clinicians, and was elaborated retrospectively by evaluating clinical records of cats with a history of ear diseases. The data showed a higher frequency of otitis associated with infectious causes, with 30% of cats affected by the yeast Malassezia spp., 17% by coccus-type bacteria, and 1% by the dimorphic fungus Sporothix schencki, followed by otitis of parasitic origin caused by the mites Otodectes cynotis and Notoedres cati, corresponding to 18% and 2% of the studied animals, respectively. In the association between pathogens, the highest incidence corresponded to mixed infection by fungi and bacteria (17%). Regarding the breeds, SRD presented a higher overall frequency in the study, and male cats were more affected than females. Therefore, the importance of retrospective studies for single health is emphasized, based on the establishment of the epidemiological profile of the region and the identification of potential zoonotic agents.


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How to Cite

BATISTA, T. M. A.; MEIRELES, W. M.; CRUZ, C. E. B.; LEITE, A. K. R. de M.; GUEDES, R. F. de M. Study of the occurrence of otopathies in domestic felines in the municipality of Fortaleza/Ce. Ciência Animal, [S. l.], v. 33, n. 1, p. 107–116, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.



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