

Anthelmintic, Equinoculture, Horses, FECRT


Parascaris spp. are the most dangerous parasites of foals, and their presence is related to poor growth, weight loss, colics and death after impaction or intestinal perforation.  The reduction in the effectiveness of antiparasitics has become a serious threat to animal health and there is little prospect of the emergence of a new anthelmintic for horses. Therefore, the objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of active principles used in the control of ascarids in Creole foals, in a ownership located in the south of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The Gordon and Whitlock technique was used on 12 samples of foal faeces that were collected on the date of administration of the antiparasitic and 14 days afterwards. The evaluation of the effectiveness of the active principles was carried out through the Faecal Egg Count Reduction Test (FECRT). All the anthelmintics used failed against Parascaris spp. and therefore should not be used to control infections caused by these helminths in the population studied. In addition, generalized resistance of ascarids to avermectins was observed. The results also show that other management practices should be implemented on the ownership, in an attempt to reduce infections by these helminths.


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