Blackfin pacu, ectoparasites, Formalin, Monogenoidea, SaltResumo
Colossoma macropomum is one of the main fish species farmed in the Peruvian Amazonia, being highly demanded and accepted by the local population. Among the pathogens that parasitize freshwater fish, species of Monogenoidea stand out. Therefore, the following study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of sodium chloride (salt) and formalin as a treatment against monogenoids present in C. macropomum cultivated in the Peruvian Amazonia. The species of Monogenoidea identified in this study were Anacanthorus spatulathus, A. penilabiatus, and Notozothecium janauachaensis. In vitro and in vivo tests were carried out in the “Laboratorio de Parasitología y Sanidad Acuícola” located in Iquitos, Peru. Regarding the in vitro assay, 20 and 30 mg ml -1 of salt and 0.005 and 0.008 mg ml -1 of formalin were tested. The mean survival time of the monogenoids was 5.06, 3.23, 10.11, and 6.86 minutes, respectively. For the in vivo test, 20 (T1) and 30 g L-1 (T2), 0.5 (T3), and 0.8 ml ml-1 (T4) were used. Compared with each control treatment control, all treatments used showed a reduction in their parasitological indices. Regarding to the effectiveness of each treatment, 29.9% was recorded for T1, 63.43% for T2, 99.81 for T, and 99.85 for T4. Fish exposed to different concentrations of salt and formalin did not show lethargy of the hypoxia signs. No behavioral changes were observed and all fish (100%) survived during the experiment. Thus, this study demonstrated the efficacy of using salt and formalin in the four concentrations tested.
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