Technology, work and revolution: study on technological progress in the wold of work, from Herbert Marcuse


  • Renê Ivo da Silva Lima Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC


Mechanization of labor. Assimilation and integration of antagonistic classes. Depersonalization of domination.


The article aims to present, according to the thinking of Herbert Marcuse, some social implications of technological development in the social process of production of advanced industrial societies. As the main reference we use the second chapter of the book One-Dimensional Man entitled “The Closure of the Political Universe”. The problem that this research raises is: what were some of the social implications of technological progress in the mode of production of advanced industrial societies? The result of this research is that some of the social implications of technological improvement in the mode of production of advanced industrial societies were 1) the mechanization of labor; 2) the assimilation and integration of the antagonistic classes and 3) the depersonalization of domination. The conclusion to be draw is that the emergence of these social relations contributed to integrate the working class established society.

Author Biography

Renê Ivo da Silva Lima, Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC

Mestrando em Filosofia pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação da Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC).  Bolsista CAPES. Membro do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas “Atualidade do Pensamento de Herbert Marcuse”.



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How to Cite

Lima, R. I. da S. (2024). Technology, work and revolution: study on technological progress in the wold of work, from Herbert Marcuse . Occursus - Revista De Filosofia, 4(1 - Jan./Jun.), 95–113. Retrieved from