The time concept in Kant and Bérgson: someconsiderations


  • Roberto Pereira Veras Instituto Federal do Acre – IFAC


Concept. Philosophy. Time.


This work intends to explain in a propaedeutic way, how the concept of time - καιρός/κρόνος is gradually commented on in the history of philosophy. For that, we will use the notion instituted by Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), in his work Critique of Pure Reason of 1871, as well as his relation with the conception of the French philosopher Henri Bergson (1859-1941), in The Thought and the Movement of 1934. Therefore, we will try to present some notes in a hermeneutic way, about this double perspective in a broad way, for a better understanding of the proposed theme, which is still open today. In doing so, we will use some commentators and other works to build our position in view of the multiple conceptions about temporality in the history of philosophy.

Author Biography

Roberto Pereira Veras, Instituto Federal do Acre – IFAC

Doutor em Ciências das Religiões pela UFPB. Professor de Filosofia do Instituto Federal do Acre – IFAC. Lider do grupo de pesquisa NEPAI/IFAC/CNPq. Membro da Associação Brasileira de Filosofia da Religião – ABFR.


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How to Cite

Veras, R. P. (2024). The time concept in Kant and Bérgson: someconsiderations. Occursus - Revista De Filosofia, 5(1 - Jan./Jun.), 126–140. Retrieved from