The civil war in the Leviathan guts


  • Rafael Curcio Universidade de São Paulo - USP


Behemoth. Faction. Civil War. Hobbes


This article, with focus on Hobbes' theoretical perspective, analyzes his conception of war and seeks to identify a theory of civil war, in order to explain the historical occurrences of the English Civil War that are presented by the philosopher in the Behemoth. It is argued, first, that civil war is distinguished for being a conflict between factions. Then, an attempt is made to interpret, based on Hobbesian political philosophy, a theory of war that takes into account the problem of factionalism. Finally, the conceptual interpretation of civil war developed is applied in a reading of Behemoth.

Author Biography

Rafael Curcio, Universidade de São Paulo - USP

Graduando em Ciências Sociais na Universidade de São Paulo.


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How to Cite

Curcio, R. (2024). The civil war in the Leviathan guts . Occursus - Revista De Filosofia, 5(1 - Jan./Jun.), 73–100. Retrieved from