Is abortion morally right? a critical analysis of Peter Singer's position


  • José Adairtes Centro Universitário Claretiano - CUC.


Abortion. Ethical presuppositions. Theory of Continuity-Mental.


This work aims to perform a critical analysis of the position of the Australian ethicist, Peter Singer, regarding abortion. To this end, this article will be divided into three sections. In the first section, an analysis of the ethical assumptions held by Singer will be made. In the second section, in order to perform a critical analysis of the Mental Continuity Theory with respect to personal identity, a small explanation will be given about the nature of theories about personal identity. In the third and final section, a critical analysis of the Theory of Continuity-Mental will be made, based on what was said in the last two sections.


Author Biography

José Adairtes, Centro Universitário Claretiano - CUC.

Graduando em filosofia pelo Centro Universitário Claretiano (CUC).


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How to Cite

Adairtes, J. (2024). Is abortion morally right? a critical analysis of Peter Singer’s position. Occursus - Revista De Filosofia, 3(2 - Jul./Dez.), 192–200. Retrieved from