Searle's theory of intentionality


  • François André da Silva Marques Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC


Intentionality. Mind. Background. Consciousness. Searle.


In this work, we will present some Searle's thoughts which are fundamentals for we understand his Intentionality theory. That is, we will make an introduction that will give sense at his intentionality theory, as this theory is essential for we explain the relationship between the consciousness and the world. We will discuss the presuppositions that the living beings have about the world and too the Searle's conception of the mind and of the consciousness. So we can understand in a general mood the relationship between the consciousness and the intentionality, the structure of the intentional states, the intentional causation, the Background, the network, among others concepts. The main assumption is that the intentionality concept is very important in Searle’s philosophy for both his philosophy of mind and his philosophy of language.

Author Biography

François André da Silva Marques, Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC

Bacharel em filosofia pela Universidade Federal do Ceará, Mestrando em Filosofia pela Universidade Federal do Ceará, pesquisa filosofia da linguagem, filosofia da mente, epistemologia e ontologia. E-mail:



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Bibliografia de Outros Autores:

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DAVIDSON, Donald, In Defense of Convention T; In: Truth, Syntax and Modality. Ed.v. H. Leblanc. Amsterdam, 1973.

PENCO, Carlo; Introdução à Filosofia da Linguagem; tradução de Ephraim F. Alves. J. L., Petrópoles - RJ: Vozes, 2006.

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How to Cite

Marques, F. A. da S. (2024). Searle’s theory of intentionality. Occursus - Revista De Filosofia, 3(2 - Jul./Dez.), 25–37. Retrieved from