The cordel of Santo and Faith:

a liturgy for policy in the thought of Hannah Arendt and Giorgio Agamben


  • Antônio Justino Arruda Neto Universidade de Pernambuco - UEP


Caldeirão de Santa Cruz do Deserto. Blessed José Lourenço. Civil disobedience. Liturgy.


This text aims to discuss the relationship of the political and social movement, called ‘Caldeirão de Santa Cruz do Deserto’, a locality in the Cariri region, in the interior of the state of Ceará, in the city of Crato. Two individuals meet Father Cícero Romão and the 'blessed' José Lourenço, motivated by the 'godfather' constitutes a community, based on the Christian principles and precepts of the Catholic Catechism. Therefore, the research problem stems from the cord with the narratives of the event, therefore, to what extent the actions performed by the members of this community converge on a political liturgy articulated to the thinking of Hannah Arendt and Giorgio Agamben? We will answer this question to understand, through two terms that we observe ‘civil disobedience’ and ‘political liturgy’ as a ‘life-form’. Therefore, the text will be divided into three sections: (1) it corresponds to the ‘Caldeirão’ politician, we will explain the political movement; (2) Civil disobedience in Hannah Arendt, we Will identify the question of the concept due to the actions developed by members of the community and (3) The concept of liturgy as a way of life, that is, the inseparability of the life of faith. 

Author Biography

Antônio Justino Arruda Neto, Universidade de Pernambuco - UEP

Mestrando em Filosofia Política pela Unisinos; Bacharel em Direito Pela Universidade de Pernambuco. 


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How to Cite

Neto, A. J. A. (2024). The cordel of Santo and Faith: : a liturgy for policy in the thought of Hannah Arendt and Giorgio Agamben. Occursus - Revista De Filosofia, 5(1 - Jan./Jun.), 291–312. Retrieved from