The attribution of madness to women as an instrument of social control and domination


  • Jaciara Boldrini França Universidade Federal de Uberlândia



History of Madness. Madness and social control. Women and madness.


From the analysis of the History of Madness, elaborated by Foucault, the article sought to understand madness as a social fact used as an instrument of power. Based on the archeology of knowledge, how madness was understood throughout history was covered, passing from sacred, in the Middle Age, to being seen as mental alienation in the classical age and, later, with the dawn of the Enlightenment, based on scientific knowledge, understood as a mental illness. From the historical context, it was analyzed how gender issues are articulated with the understanding of madness, specifically, in its attribution to women and the social control exercised over it. It started from the conclusion that madness is used as social control, attributed more strongly to women as an instrument of silencing and domination, to act on their subjectivity.

Author Biography

Jaciara Boldrini França, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Mestra em Filosofia Política pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Advogada Criminalista e em Direito Público. Especialista em Ciências Criminais e Direitos Humanos, Especialista em Administração Pública. Pedagoga. Militante Feminista. Servidora Pública Federal da ativa, vinculada à Universidade Federal de Uberlândia na área da Educação. Atualmente, trabalha junto ao Sindicato SINTET-UFU, na área jurídica e polícia, desenvolvendo projetos voltados para a área feminista e opressões.


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How to Cite

Boldrini França, J. (2024). The attribution of madness to women as an instrument of social control and domination. Occursus - Revista De Filosofia, 9(1), 83–91.