Freud and the discovery of the unconscious:
about a narcissistic wound of humanity
Freud. Narcissistic Wounds. Unconscious. Psychoanalysis.Abstract
This article aims to examine the Freudian perspective on the narcissistic wounds that have shaken humanity and the relevance of the concept of the unconscious for understanding human psychic functioning. The key argument is that narcissistic wounds, resulting from scientific events that shook certainties that prevailed in humanity, have a profound impact on the individual's relationship with themselves and the world. To achieve this objective, the article adopts a theoretical approach, based on bibliographic research, using texts by Sigmund Freud as primary sources and works from psychoanalytic commentators as secondary sources. In conclusion, the article highlights the importance of considering not only the rational dimension of the human being, so defended by modern philosophy, but also the unconscious dimension, which does not function under the rules of rational consciousness. Therefore, a critical reflection is proposed on the influence of the unconscious and what Freud calls the third narcissistic wound of humanity, which dethrones rationality as the primordial element that responds for the human being.
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