Sobre a dualidade do conhecimento humano:
uma sociologia histórica e filosófica das estruturas estruturantes e estruturadas pela antinomia
Duality. Pairs. Opposition. Balance. Knowledge.Abstract
The purpose of this work is to analyze the main antinomic concepts or authors of western history. Demonstrating how the understanding or worldview has long been established through oppositional pairs. The historical and sociological philosophy in this work emphasizes opposition, comparison or criticism as a key tool to classify and understand the world. Despite just touching on the main concepts of the authors cited, this work strives to clarify the oppositions and, specially to bring the antinomies closer together, in an attempt to see the connection between them. For this we will go through all the civilized historical phases, specifically starting with the pre-socratics and ending with the post-moderns. The equilibrium was the conclusion reached, a conclusion that was initially expected, but which demonstrated how the parts are divided and how the understanding, connection or union of the whole is, possibly due to the question, in parts the answer and in parts the lack of it.
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