Montaigne the philosopher of voluptuousness
Reason. Experience. Voluptuousness. Self-knowledge. Moderation.Abstract
The text aims to analyze the essay "Of Experience" with an emphasis on the indirect critique of Stoicism and the conclusions drawn regarding the criticisms attributed to reason, in accordance with the essay "Apology for Raymond Sebond." The problem of experience versus reason is highlighted, focusing on the difficulty that experience alone is insufficient, just as reason without the support of experience is unreliable. Another important point in Montaigne's philosophy, emphasized in the essay, is the significance of self-knowledge, as experience depends on what one does with it. No one becomes wise solely through possessing experience but rather by using it wisely. Lastly, Montaigne seems to criticize Stoicism due to the great value he places on desires, inclinations, and attributing a positive value to voluptuousness.
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