
  • Robert Brenner Barreto da Silva Universidade Estadual do Ceará - UECE


Fundamentals, Assumptions, Philosophy, Sociology, Weber


This work aims to perform a brief study on philosophical fundamentals in the sociological reflection of Max Weber. In order to perceive the interface between philosophy and sociology, it turns to be propitious to evaluate in what measure one of the main exponents of modern sociology would have be influenced by philosophical assumptions. If compared to other research lines, few emphasis were given to the philosophical feature of his sociology. To reach the purpose of this brief study, it will be consulted the secondary literature and the The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism as an example of the philosophical traces that it intends to be attributed to the author, in which it will be highlighted the concept of Ideal Type, beyond that it will be consider the methodological presuppositions and the intellectual heritage that contributed to give philosophical dimension to the sociological enterprise of Max Weber.

Author Biography

Robert Brenner Barreto da Silva, Universidade Estadual do Ceará - UECE

Doutor em Filosofia – UFC. Professor da Universidade Estadual do Ceará – UECE. 


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How to Cite

Barreto da Silva, R. B. (2024). NOTES ON POSSIBLE PHILOSOPHICAL ELEMENTS IN THE SOCIOLOGICAL REFLECTION OF MAX WEBER. Occursus - Revista De Filosofia, 6(2 - Jul./Dez.), 13–27. Retrieved from