Knowledge, Strategical act, Comprehension, Surprise, DemocracyAbstract
The survey seeks to chase the relationship between the proposal of interpretation and construction of political space, permeated by the surprise as a directive through the fusion of the democratic horizon. It aims to conjugate the interpretation propasal forulated by Hans-Georg Gadamer, forjed in a preexistent conformation with the purpose of enriching its content, by a transformative action perpetrated by Jürgen Habermas, incident in the joint dialogical articulation. It aparts the antecipation of the speech by a data protaction sistem, intending to recognize positive aspects of indeterminacy, mediated by the variable epistemological construction under the influx of surprise, looking for a valid democratical process building.
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Copyright (c) 1969 Andréa Maria dos Santos Santana Vieira
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