

Bovino, Macro-IDGA, EBL, Antígeno


This work was developed to evaluate how a micro-AGID using simple protocol for obtaining the antigen compared to a macro-AGID. A total of 450 serum samples from 92 herds in 23 counties that make up the dairy herd of Maranhão were used. The antigen used in micro-AGID was obtained by desalting of supernatant of FLK cells infected with BLV against the polyethylenoglicol. In micro-AGID 10µL of antigen and positive serum control was used and 30 µl of test serum, in the macro-AGID 25 µl of all reagents were used. Of the compared sera, 57.56% (n=259) and 54.44% (n=245) showed positive animals reagents results in micro-AGID and macro-AGID, respectively. There was a very good agreement between both techniques (K=0.91), with sensitivity and specificity of the macro-AGID for micro-AGID of 93.43% and 98.43% with an accuracy of 95.96%. Micro-AGID showed clearer lines than those observed in the macro-AGID and reading can be made 24 hours before the macro-AGID. It is concluded that micro-AGID can be used successfully in the serological diagnosis of EBL, with the advantage of greater speed in issuing the results and obtaining the antigen with a simple technique.


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Como Citar

SANTOS, H. P.; CASTRO, R. S. de; NASCIMENTO, S. A. do; BEZERRA, N. P. C.; BEZERRA, D. C.; SANTANA, L. H. de M.; PEREIRA, H. de M. EVALUATION OF A MICROIMMUNODIFUSION ASSAY FOR THE DIAGNOSIS OF ENZOOTIC BOVINE LEUKOSIS. Ciência Animal, [S. l.], v. 33, n. 3, p. 60 a 67, 2023. Disponível em: https://revistas.uece.br/index.php/cienciaanimal/article/view/11627. Acesso em: 22 jan. 2025.



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