Gama-glutamiltransferase urinária, Enzimúria, Função renal, CaninaResumo
The aim of this study was to investigate the possible occurrence of changes in renal function and tubular damage in dogs that underwent general anesthesia for elective orchiectomy or ovariohysterectomy. Thirteen dogs were selected, five males and eight females, with ages ranging from one to eight years, treated at the Polyclinic Veterinary School, Rio de Janeiro. Urine and blood samples were obtained from the animals just before and 30 minutes after the surgical procedure. Urinalysis (physical and chemical examinations and sedimentoscopy) was performed. The following biochemistries parameters were determined: plasma concentrations of urea and creatinine; urinary protein; urinary protein-to-creatinine ratio; and urinary GGT activity. A statistical difference was observed between the mean GGT activity before (0.38±0.21 U/L) and after (0.49±0.31 U/L) surgery (p<0.05). No changes in plasma creatinine and urea levels and other urinalysis parameters were observed. Thus, we conclude that the hypotensive effect of general anesthesia caused mild enzymuria, denoting possible renal tubular damage due to transient ischemia. This finding highlights the sensitivity and importance of studies of urinary GGT as an early marker of changes in renal tubular cells due to tubular injury.
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