Philosophy of symbolic forms and language games: a parallel between Cassirer's and Wittgenstein's thinking


  • Matheus de S. P. Sarmento Universidade Estadual do Ceará - UECE
  • Wellington W. F. Sarmento Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC


Language-games. Symbolic Forms. Theory of Knowledge.


Knowledge in Aristotle occurs through λόγος (word or reason), which occurs in a practical or contemplative way. Through language, we comprehend the world, ourselves and can act on both. This action of the word on the real is the base of the psychoanalytic theory and its cure by speech, where the pulsions are exposed and solve human being's internal conflicts. The λόγος goes from science about Physical Nature to science about human νοῦς (mind or intellect). The word apprehends things, as well as allowing us to detach ourselves from the physical phenomenon studied, work with symbols and build θεωρῐ́αι (theories) with which we observe-understand the universe. In this context,where the word has fundamental importance, the Philosophy of Language allows us to think about our knowledge bases. Symbolic forms and languages take on a dimension of practical and active transformation since the action is the essential requirement for the construction of πόλῐς (State). This essay aims to dissect and confront the critical concepts in language, brought by the philosophers Ernest Cassirer and Ludwig Wittgenstein: the Philosophy of Symbolic Forms and Language-Games. The confrontation shows the vision of both and their contribution to the Philosophy of Language and Theory of Knowledge.

Author Biographies

Matheus de S. P. Sarmento, Universidade Estadual do Ceará - UECE

Graduando em Licenciatura em Filosofia pela Universidade Estadual do Ceará.

Wellington W. F. Sarmento, Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC

Mestre em Eng. de Teleinformática pela Universidade Federal do Ceará; Professor Adjunto da Universidade Federal do Ceará; pesquisador das áreas de Filosofia Política, Ética e Pensamento Marxiano.


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How to Cite

de S. P. Sarmento, M., & W. F. Sarmento, W. (2024). Philosophy of symbolic forms and language games: a parallel between Cassirer’s and Wittgenstein’s thinking. Occursus - Revista De Filosofia, 6(2 - Jul./Dez.), 292–303. Retrieved from